
Rhine Cleanup

15 September 2018

Was wir tun: Wir sammeln gemeinsam Müll am und um den Rhein herum, von der Quelle bis zur Mündung! So schaffen wir Aufmerksamkeit wie unsere Art zu leben den Ort, an dem wir leben, arbeiten oder aufwachsen, beeinflusst. Was kannst du tun: Nehm an einem Cleanup in einer der teilnehmenden Städte teil oder veranstalte ein … Continue reading „Rhine Cleanup“

SETAC Europe Special Science Symposium Extrapolation of Effects across Biological Levels

23 Oktober 2018

23-24 October: This SESSS will show a series of new developments that facilitate the extrapolation of adverse effects, caused by chemical exposure, observed in experiments amongst different levels of biological organisation. Different methodologies will be showcased, such as Quantitative Adverse Outcome Pathways, Toxicokinetic-Toxicodynamic modelling, Population models, Ecosystem/food chain models and landscape level models.

NORMAN Workshop Non-Target Screening for Regulators

25 Oktober 2018

This workshop is organised by the NORMAN Network with special support by the German Environment Agency (UBA) to inform regulatory agencies and policy-makers about recent advances in the application of Non-Target Screening (NTS) techniques and to discuss with them the potential use of Non-Target Screening data for environmental monitoring and chemicals management. More information: