Clean water through natural purification

RIWA strives for a quality of surface water that a natural purification is sufficient to prepare impeccable drinking water.


RIWA-Rijn in podcast Deutschlandfunk on drinking water

July 12th, 2024

RIWA-Rijn recently collaborated on a six-part podcast series by Deutschlandfunk on drinking water. In the episode on pollution of the Rhine with PFAS in particular, director Gerard Stroomberg speaks at length. On the importance of clean Rhine water for...

Research: better water quality protection needed

June 19th, 2024

The Environment and Transport Inspectorate (ILT) of the Netherlands has published a signal report stating that better protection of water quality is needed. It argues that licensing, monitoring and enforcement have too little grip on emissions of problem substances,...

PFAS: A Challenge for Water Companies

June 6th, 2024

PFAS (poly- and perfluoroalkyl substances) are a growing concern for water companies worldwide. Known for their water- and grease-repellent properties, these substances are used in a wide range of products, from cookware to water-repellent clothing. But their persistence in...