IAWR presents 12-point catalogue of measures for a future-proof drinking water supply
October 4th, 2019As climate change progresses, it becomes increasingly observable that it is accompanied by a water crisis. Therefore, the protection of the remaining water resources should be given top priority from now on, because only with clean drinking water there will be a basis of life for people, the economy and the environment in the future. … Continue reading “IAWR presents 12-point catalogue of measures for a future-proof drinking water supply”

RIWA-Rhine: Water quality Rhine does not improve
September 2nd, 2019The year 2018 was marked by a large precipitation deficit in combination with a low water discharge of the Rhine, as is shown in the annual report 2018 of RIWA-Rhine which was published today. The prolonged period of drought showed how vulnerable we are, with advancing salinisation from the North Sea on the one hand … Continue reading “RIWA-Rhine: Water quality Rhine does not improve”

On the move – the ICPR is preparing for the future
July 6th, 2019The annual Plenary Session of the International Commission for the Protection of the Rhine (ICPR) was staged in Malbun (Liechtenstein) on 4 and 5 July 2019. The preparation of the Conference of Rhine ministers, in particular of the new programme “Rhine 2040”, which will be approved there, ranged among its focal issues. Furthermore, the ICPR … Continue reading “On the move – the ICPR is preparing for the future”