Documentary on the Rhine water
June 20th, 2019The German TV programme Quarks addresses the water quality of the Rhine in their episode of 18 June: ‘Der totgeglaubte Fluss: Wie gut ist das Rheinwasser heute?’ 50 years ago, thousands of poisoned fish drifted across the Rhine. The Rhine was dead. But even before this massive death, the Rhine was considered the “largest cesspool … Continue reading “Documentary on the Rhine water”

IAWR position on the WFD Fitness Check
March 1st, 2019Following the EU consultation for a ‘Fitness Check’ of the Water Framework Directive (WFD), the IAWR presented a position paper and forwarded it to the European Commission. In summary: The core of the statement is the continuation of the Water Framework Directive beyond 2027, giving priority to the use of water resources for the abstraction … Continue reading “IAWR position on the WFD Fitness Check”

ICPR publishes recommendations for effective reduction of micropollutants in the Rhine and its tributaries
February 8th, 2019The International Commission for the Protection of the Rhine (ICPR) has published recommendations on how states in the Rhine catchment can further reduce micropollutant inputs into waters. They particularly concern the areas of wastewater collection and wastewater treatment systems, agriculture, industry and trade. The ICPR has been keeping an eye on the relevance of different … Continue reading “ICPR publishes recommendations for effective reduction of micropollutants in the Rhine and its tributaries”