
ICPR publishes common assessment system for the 30% reduction target

December 9th, 2022

The programme “Rhine 2040”, which was adopted by the Conference of Rhine Ministers on 13.02.2020, states that the “influx of micropollutants into waters from municipal wastewater collection and treatment systems, industry and commerce as well as agriculture is to be reduced by at least 30% in comparison to the period 2016-2018 – consistent with a … Continue reading “ICPR publishes common assessment system for the 30% reduction target”

RIWA-Rijn gives presentation at BWK Rhine Day in Rees

September 15th, 2022

At the 4th BWK Rhine Day, 29 September in Rees, RIWA-Rijn will present: A drinking water removal requirement index for the Rhine, how to comply with Article 7.3 of the WFD. [Places are still available]. More information can be found on the following website: and in de flyer

RIWA: Target 30% less discharges into the Rhine still out of reach

September 4th, 2022

RIWA-Rijn is pleading for additional efforts to achieve the 30% reduction target for emissions into the Rhine by 2040, now that it is clear that, for 41% of the substances, achieving this objective is not feasible. In 2021, again several dozens of substances were detected in the Rhine in concentrations exceeding the targets set in … Continue reading “RIWA: Target 30% less discharges into the Rhine still out of reach”