‘Annual Report 2020 The Rhine’ now also available in English
October 11th, 2021The latest RIWA-Rijn Annual Report appeared on 6 September in the well-known Dutch and German versions. But on the occasion of our 70th anniversary we have for the first time in a long time also published an English version for all our English speaking colleagues and contacts in Europe and the rest of the world … Continue reading “‘Annual Report 2020 The Rhine’ now also available in English”

After 70 years of RIWA, protecting the Rhine and Meuse remains essential
June 15th, 2021On 15 June 2021, the RIWA Association of River Water Companies will reach its 70th anniversary. On that date in 1951 the directors of “four large river water companies in the Netherlands” met for the first time. The aim was “to study together the problem of the pollution of the Rhine and to advise the … Continue reading “After 70 years of RIWA, protecting the Rhine and Meuse remains essential”

Combining research and legislation for water and drinking water protection
May 5th, 2021Together with Harrie Timmer of Vewin, AndrĂ© Bannink wrote an article on behalf of RIWA for the German journal Gas Wasserfach Wasser Abwasser on combining science and laws and regulations to protect drinking water sources. This article is in the April issue and is available in German via this link: https://gwf-wasser.de/produkt/gemeinsame-anwendung-von-forschung-und-gesetzen-fuer-den-gewaesser-und-trinkwasserschutz/. An English version is … Continue reading “Combining research and legislation for water and drinking water protection”